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KY-037 - Geräuschsensor

KY-037 - Geräuschsensor

KY 037Einführung

Das Modul hat zwei Betriebsarten für die Ausgabe:

  • AO, analog output der Signalstärke
  • DO, schaltet bei einem einstellbaren Schwellwert

The threshold-sensitivity can be adjusted via potentiometer on the sensor



GND Pin -
+5V Pin +
Pin A0 Pin
Pin 8



//digitale Ausgabe
int Led = 13 ;// define LED Interface
int buttonpin = 3; // define D0 Sensor Interface
int val = 0;// define numeric variables val  
void setup () {
   pinMode (Led, OUTPUT) ;// define LED as output interface
   pinMode (buttonpin, INPUT) ;// output interface D0 is defined sensor
void loop () {
   val = digitalRead(buttonpin);// digital interface will be assigned a value of pin 3 to read val
   if (val == HIGH) // When the sound detection module detects a signal, LED flashes
      digitalWrite (Led, HIGH);
   else {
      digitalWrite (Led, LOW);
   }   //Analoge Ausgabe
int sensorPin = A0; // select the input pin for the potentiometer
int ledPin = 13; // select the pin for the LED
int sensorValue = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor  
void setup () {
   pinMode (ledPin, OUTPUT);
   Serial.begin (9600);
void loop () {
   sensorValue = analogRead (sensorPin);
   digitalWrite (ledPin, HIGH);
   delay (sensorValue);
   digitalWrite (ledPin, LOW);
   delay (sensorValue);
   Serial.println (sensorValue, DEC);
}   //
  • Zugriffe: 184

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